My first score was a delicious honey-glazed, spiral-sliced ham. This year the ham company went with a new mystery shopping provider, but I had gotten so used to my free holiday ham that I went through every shopper site I could think of until I found them. The good news is that the report was basically all yes/no answers and took all of three minutes to complete. I'm not really sure how the ham company gets any value from that, but that's not really my concern - I got a great ham with minimal effort.
I was also lucky enough to happen upon one of my favorite providers' web site the day they released all of their grocery shops, which means I was able to choose up to ten shops. Each shop paid $7 with a $10 reimbursement for groceries. So I was able to get the turkey and all the trimmings with plenty left over to feed the cats and pick up a few household staples. With a little practice, I've learned to get through these shops in 30 minutes or less, and the report is painless. Since we all have to go to the grocery store anyway, I hardly think this qualifies as work. The only negative was that I had to visit the stores between 4 and 7 PM on Thanksgiving week. I crammed in as many as I could on Monday, but I still had to go back on Tuesday to do the rest. It was crowded, and I had to park far, far away from the grocery store, but I tried to think of it as burning some of those extra calories in advance. Besides, shopping amongst a crowd sort of gets me in the mood for the holidays.
If you missed out on the bounty of shops available for Thanksgiving, you still have time to take advantage of what will come available for Christmas. Some companies that offer grocery and specialty food shops in my area include: (Market Force), (Service Intelligence), and (TrendSource).
Happy shopping!