Wednesday, November 16, 2011

To iPad or Not to iPad

I recently won an iPad2 in an editing contest at A Closer Look.  This was super exciting, and I looked forward to my new toy until I realized that they (at the last minute) decided to offer a cash option, as well.  And so the dilemma unfolded.  When the editing contest began, we had no idea what the prizes would be, but we were told they would be "fantastic" and that we definitely wanted to win.  We were also told the prizes would be something we would want but would likely not buy for ourselves.  All those things turned out to be true (the prizes for second and third place were an iPod Touch and a Kindle + Amazon gift card, respectively).

I pondered my decision and broadcast a call for advice to all my Facebook friends.  Naturally, all the Apple fans out there said I should take the iPad, and I was somehow inclined to agree.  After all, it was an awesome piece of technology that I would never put out the money for on my own, and it would be great for traveling.  I've never been overly practical, so the thought did not first occur to me that I did not actually need the iPad2 and could buy several other things with the cash option.  I also conveniently forgot that I had never been a big fan of Apple products.  Funny how that tidbit of information was forgotten when the machine was dangled in front of me.

When I remembered all those things, I started to compare the iPad with other tablets.  I was impressed with the new Kindle Fire.  Though obviously not on the same level as iPad as far as quality and certain features, it is still a pretty amazing machine.  A lot of the iPad features I have no use for since I have no other Mac products and only know two other people who utilize Mac products (no "Facetime" for me).  There would also be compatibility issues between my devices.  The Kindle Fire would serve my purposes for wanting a tablet (e-Reader capabilities, email and impromptu web surfing in a machine bigger than a phone but that would still fit my purse) at less than one third the cost.  I could still pick up a Netbook for editing on the run with money left over.  Even after all of that sound reasoning, I was just about convinced to take the iPad.

As it turned out, just when I had made the decision to take the iPad, I learned I could not work on it.  The ACL website apparently has incompatibility issues, and I would not be able to edit.  Since the majority of my waking hours are used for editing, and if not editing then mystery shopping, the iPad for me would have become only a glorified e-Reader and movie streaming machine.  Still a great toy but not at all practical since it would get very little use over the course of a year.

I feel good about my decision, and in a way, I'm glad that I could not work on the iPad, thus forcing me to come to this conclusion.  I will still have a toy and a mini work machine, and I will still have some money left over for small extra goodies - like taking a friend to tea ;-)

As for the rest of you, if you're trying to decide whether or not to buy an iPad2, the way I see it, you either are or you are not an Apple fan.  If you are, I guess nothing else will do.  If you can live with the so-called "lesser brands" like the rest of us mere mortals, my guess is you're probably getting a better value.

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