Monday, November 14, 2011

Where Has The Time Gone?

Wow!  Three months!  Now I remember why I stopped journaling.  This is no easier.  So much has happened, but most of it loses its effect in summary.  Oh well, I guess that's why I should keep this thing up.  To touch on the highlights, I went to Maryland for almost three weeks in September, and it really did not cost me a dime.  I had shops from A Closer Look, Baird, Mercantile, Market Force, and Coyle Hospitality to keep me busy.  Now, I have to comment on the last company I listed.  I have been trying for over a YEAR to get work with that company, and I was so excited when they finally approved me for a shop in Maryland!  Of course, I realized after the fact that the reason they approved me was because no one else wanted to do that particular shop.  Oh well, at least I got my foot in the door.  Now, if they would just approve me for something GREAT!  While I was in Maryland, I sort of attended my 20 year high school reunion.  I say "sort of" becuase I never bought a ticket because I really had no intentions of going.  Since it was at a public bar, some friends and I stopped by anyway, and I was reminded why I had not been to any of my high school reunions previously.  I also did some shops in DC - I took my brother, who can eat more meat in one hour than anyone I know - to a great Brazilian Restaurant.  However, I did not realize when I invited him and allowed him to drive that I would be putting my life on the line.  Next time I drive, because after I enjoy a good meal, I'd like to keep it down.

My Mom came back to Florida with me, and we enjoyed a lovely hotel shop courtesy of my favorite company near Hilton Head Island.  When we arrived in Florida, we stayed busy (shopping, of course!) and we did a super fun shop for Buckalew Hospitality in Orlando.  This is another up and coming company that  is great to work for!  Very fair, and fun shops if you're not afraid to do a little work.  I look forward to my next shop for them.  Cheers!

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