Saturday, July 16, 2011


Tonight I will drive 90 miles to enjoy one of the finest dining experiences available.  I will enjoy fine wine, a $45 steak, some overpriced side dishes, and a perfectly prepared dessert.  I will be treated like royalty.  Then I will come home and write about it.  Fine dining mystery shops are what we work toward as new shoppers (well, that and a cruise).  Finally, the day comes when we have shopped enough fast food and casual dining restaurants and turned in enough well-written, on-time reports that the companies trust us with their high-end clients.  The downside is it's really easy to get used to the finer things in life.  So much so that it's difficult to go without them.  I know some of you know what I'm talking about!  It's difficult to go back to a 1/4 pounder with cheese and limp French Fries when you've had carpaccio, lobster mac and cheese, and the most tender filet on the bone.  Not to mention a $25 glass of wine that's actually worth it.  Which is why I will drive 90 miles tonight.  Restaurant clients have rotation requirements.  This particular client only allows the same shopper to visit every 6 months.  Per location.  That's the catch.  We can get our fix, but we have to be willing to travel a little further if we've already been to the closer locations.  I'm willing.

Ready for a new addiction?  Sign up at

Happy Dining! 

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