Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mystery Shopping on a Diet: Impossible?

I've been avoiding food shops like the plague for the past three weeks.  It might sound easy to do, but it's harder than you think, especially if you're mystery shopping all day long and schedulers start calling you mid-month dangling attractive bonuses as incentive.  For one thing, you have to eat while you're out.  I mean, mystery shopping is strenuous, hard work!  Okay, maybe that's just my excuse because I love to eat.  But I could pack my lunch, right?  A tuna fish sandwich, a piece of fruit.  I tried that once.  I forgot it was there, and I live in Florida.  Can you imagine the smell in my car?  No, I don't think I'll try that again.  Besides, I have to pay for that stuff.  If you're anything like me, you find it a ridiculous concept to pay for food when you can get it for free.  And there are just SO MANY food shops!  So, I broke down.  I said, "Yes," to the schedulers today.  I'm just doing my part, trying to be responsible and helpful so that one day, they might throw me a bone or something I really, really want.  Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it.  I went online to add a few shops to my route since I was going to be "out that way" anyway.  Well, apparently my mouse has a mind of it's own.  It's like poltergeist in my laptop.  Whatever it is, I found myself with more food shops than I can possibly eat in a day (and I can eat a lot of food).  And they're not healthy food shops, either.  Burgers and fries, burritos, chicken wings and pizza.  It's a smorgasbord of cholesterol laden, artery clogging comfort food.  Thank God I have a husband who likes to eat!  Why can't I just find a nice, safe Subway shop?

If fattening comfort food sounds good to you (not to mention attractive bonuses for shopping and easy questionnaires), you might want to sign up for Market Force at the following link:

Other options include and

It probably isn't impossible to mystery shop on a diet for most people.  But then again, I'm not most people.

Happy Shopping!

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