Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Down time

For the first time in over a year, I took two days off from mystery shopping.  Not only did I take two days off, I spent my own money on a spa, hotel, and meals.  Not one single mystery shop!  I was not sure how I would feel about that, but I enjoyed it.  I mean REALLY enjoyed it!  I love mystery shopping and all the great (free) experiences, but this was different.  I was truly able to relax.  And isn't that what a spa visit is all about?  I didn't have to pay attention to what was being done, what was being said, what was out of place, how long everything took.  I could simply tune out.  And I did, most of the time.

Riverview Spa - Hot Pool and Waterfall

Another benefit was the opportunity to visit some small mom and pop type places that do not utilize mystery shopping.  We found the cutest little place to stay on the beach ...

Turtle Run Inn

... and the owner there introduced us to a new favorite restaurant where we enjoyed yummy flatbread, salads and sandwiches plus some pretty good chocolate martinis. 

Lisa and Heidi @ SoNapa Wine Co.

I still found myself timing my meal and noting everyone's names - habits - but I left my tape recorder at home, and I'm not even sure I carried a pen.  No texting, either.  So did I really tune out and turn it all off?  Well, my friend and I came back from our two-day excursion with a plan.  Next summer ... 48 states in 30 days at no cost.  So I guess even when I'm not mystery shopping, I'm still thinking about it.  I'll get back to shopping today, but I leave you now with a New Smyrna Beach sunrise - the view from my back patio yesterday morning.

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